
The winter storm of my brother's heart Chapter 6

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The winter storm of my brother's heart

A/N: Okay, since last chapter was pretty short, I will try to make this one longer and I will try to make it more exciting than the last one. I hope this one will be up as soon as possible. Now things might also get a little similar to the movie, cause now I have seen it, just a warning.

OBS, I want you all to at least read this part. I also have a question for all of you guys that like this story and have seen the movie or at least heard the music. In chapter 4, I made a songfic chapter with the song 'Let it go' when Donnie made his home on the frozen sea. I'm right now having a discussion with myself if I should do the same with the song 'For the first time in forever' but the reprise of course in next chapter or the chapter after that. I want to hear your opinion on that and give me response, or any other song perhaps, since 'Frozen' have a great soundtrack, and I want to make this story a good one. Anyway, on with the chapter and please be kind and leave your opinions in your reviews about the question. Enjoy!

Chapter 6, Hi everyone, I'm Alex!

(Leo's P.O.V)

Almost immediately after we started to walk it started to snow. And not so little either. Well, in the beginning it was a pretty slow fall of snow, but after about twenty minutes it started to get worse. We could barely see anything through the snow that blew in our faces and in our eyes. But we kept on going, since April had found a few pairs of ski goggles in one of the old boxes with winter equipment in her apartment so they made it a little easier to keep on walking, but they didn't make it easier to see anything. Not even the flashlights we had brought with us helped much, but they helped a little so we kept them on anyway. It helped in another way too, it had gotten darker even if it wasn't that late so it helped on that front too. It was quiet for what felt like hours, the only thing heard was the howling wind, before someone decided to open his/her mouth and speak. And with 'someone' I mean Raph.

"Brr, this storm is crazy! Donnie must be really upset or something, making the weather like this!" Raph had to holler to make himself heard over the strong wind. Mikey wiped the snow away from his goggles and then put his hands down in his pockets to keep them warm, since the mittens we also had got from April before we got topside didn't help that much.

"Yeah. I just hope he'll cool down, or America will be doomed. Or at least it'll look like one big version of Antarctica." He shuddered and pulled the coats zipper all the way up to his chin to keep himself warm-er. I couldn't help but shudder as well and put my hands in my armpits in an attempt to keep them warm, but it didn't help that much. I was just as cold anyway.

"I for one hope he is okay. That no human has found him or something. If it is as both he and sensei says, that he can't control this thing he could be in more danger than we realise." Then I turned to April, who had put her hoodie over her head to keep the snowflakes from to wetting her hair. "What time is it April? It feels like we've been walking for hours." April took out her T-phone and took a look at the display. She sighed tiredly.

"We have been walking for hours! For five hours actually. But it wouldn't surprise me if we're still not that far from New York. Everything looks the same right now." She put her phone down and rubbed her hands together while blowing hot air on them, trying to warm them up. I looked through the wind and tried to see a place where could stay for the night. I spotted a big boat that had frozen solid in the ice a few feet away from us. It looked abandoned and if we made fire, it could make a pretty good shelter for now.

"Guys! Over there, we need to get to that boat! It'll have to be our shelter for tonight!" I yelled over the wind and pointed at the boat. The others saw it and we made our way to it. It was a little easier since we had the wind in our backs and not in our faces and it only took about ten minutes to get there. Lucky for us there was a big hole in the hull so we didn't need to go through any of the doors or nothing. We made our way in to the boat and into a part where the cold wind and snow didn't reach and sat down there and tried to light a fire for the night. It was a little difficult, but it worked after a few tries. Then we could sit down and try to get warmer and have a few sandwiches to eat. We had nothing to say for a few minutes and just sat there as close to the fire as we could come without our clothes catching fire. But after a while April couldn't keep quiet anymore.

"So, when we find Donnie, what are we gonna do? I mean, he made it very clear that he wanted to be left alone and that we should stay away. Something tells me he's not gonna welcome us with open arms." Raph sighed and looked down into his lap and shook his head. Then he looked at Mikey and me and April straight in the eyes.

"What happened today wasn't Donnie's fault, he didn't mean to do what he did. It was my fault, I was pushing him too hard and that made him explode. And then it scared him when he came to his senses. I was the one who pushed him over the limit. If I only had known..." April put a hand on his shoulder and smiled sympathetically and that made him shut up and look at her. Mikey put his hand on his other shoulder and squeezed it lightly. He didn't smile though, he looked a little sad to.

"Raph, none of us could have known what was wrong. You can't blame yourself. If anything it's our fault too, right guys?" I looked at Mikey and April too and both of them nodded and Mikey stretched over me and put his hand on Raph's knee. He smiled at the gesture and looked at him with gratitude.

"Yeah, we all pushed him over his limits and it made him lose his cool... and spread it all over the lair. And I don't mean any disrespect against Splinter, but he was a little, teeny tiny bit pushy too. We all are a bit responsible for this. Raph smiled, then he looked down and growled a little.

"But it would have been a lot easier for everyone if he had just told us in the beginning. Then we could have helped him weeks ago, instead of locking himself away and make us go out looking for him in a crazy snow storm! Soon all of America will pay the price for his actions!" He started to show a little frustration, but I guess he was a little tired from all this walking through this crazy storm with no break for five hours straight. I looked down and shook off all the hands off me.

"I know, which is why we have to find him before he covers the whole country in snow. We have to clear things up and make things work out between us. Before he ends up going crazy from all the solitude and fear." I got strange looks from everyone when I said the last thing, about being crazy."What? It could happen! At least from being alone and his fear wont help at all! And even if that wont happen his heart will still freeze" April chuckled at my ranting about insanity and shook her head in amusement, but then got a look of seriousness on her face when I said the last part.

"Don't worry Leo. We'll find him and make things right. We have gone against worse things than this, right? Or you guys have anyway. Everything is going to be fine." We all smiled at her and even if we didn't say it, she knew that we were grateful for her help. It was a good thing that this happened after she had chosen to come back to us. We sat quiet for a few minutes, but then Mikey giggled a little for no obvious reason.

"Hey, guys? Do you remember that time when the snow had made it's way into the sewers and made on of the tunnels into a mini winter land? When we were kids?" It took a second, but then I remembered. That time we had sneaked out of the lair in the middle of the night and looked through the tunnels for something to do.

"Yeah, it was before Leo got so boring and a little Splinter Jr." Raph smirked and I glared at him a little. But I knew it was true, there was a time I wasn't that much of 'a teacher's pet' like Raph likes to put it. And when we found that snow tunnel was a good example.


(Mikey's P.O.V)

We were like ten years old and it was in the middle of the winter and some parts of the sewers was full of snow. And one day Donnie was sitting on the couch with his laptop in his lap and were doing some math equations on a website he had found a while back. But I had other ideas of what we should do.

"Donnie?" I sat down on the couch beside him and shook his shoulder, not so very gently. "Come on, and play with us!" Donnie pushed my hand away without even looking away from his lap top.

"Mikey, I'm busy right now, go and play with the others." I sat down with my back against him and leaned against him with my entire weight. Something, he didn't seem to happy with.

"But I don't want to play with just them, I want to play with all of my brothers!" Donnie grunted as my weight was leaning against him, and after I had finished talking, he put his hand to my face and pushed me off the couch.

"Well, just go away and wait till I'm done then." I landed on the floor flat on my stomach and thought about any other tactic I could use. Then I thought about one, and climbed up again, put my chin on his shoulder so he could hear me whisper in his ear, the words all of us knew he couldn't say no to.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?" He glanced at me, with a raised eye brow and smirked at me. He closed his lap top and I asked the others if they wanted to join us, which they did. We ran out into the sewers and found a place pretty close to the lair. There was a lot of snow and I squealed in delight. Even if it was cold I didn't care one bit. Cause, one, I had my orange scarf on and it helped a bit, and two, it was too fun to play in the snow just to stand and freeze in my shell. I wish I was like Donnie, who never seemed to mind the cold the slightest.

"Donnie, is that wet snow? Can we build with it?" Leo asked and tightened the deep blue scarf around his neck. Donnie bent down and tried to make a snowball with it, and it worked out just fine.

"Yeah, this snow will work just fine." He squeezed the snow a bit more before yelling out, "Raph, think fast!" He said with excitement, squeezed the snow in his hands a little bit more and threw the cold, wet snow right in Raph's face so and he started to cough and splutter to get it out of his mouth and nose. Then he snickered and picked up some snow to and threw it at Donnie, who dodged and threw a new one, at me and Leo.

"Come on guys! Let's play!" Donnie called out and then got a flying snowball right in his chest and rejoined the fun with Raph, all while laughing hard and Raph laughed too and threw a new snowball at his head! I and Leo looked at each other, shrugged with a smile at each other and then joined the playful snowball fight. But after a while we got tired and both Raph and Leo had drenched us with the snow, so we took a break and sat down to catch our breath, but it was hard since we laughed and panted at the same time. Donnie then flew up from where he sat after a few minutes and looked at us.

"Wasn't we supposed to build a snowman?" He said and ran over to a little snowdrift and started to shape it. I laughed and ran over to him with Leo and Raph behind me. Leo made feet for it, Raph added a body and Donnie made a head and I put sticks in the sides of it to make him arms and put rocks in the head to give him eyes. When we were done it looked pretty hilarious and silly. It had a medium head about the same size as a football, a smaller chest and about the bottom had about the same size as his head had. Where his nose was supposed to be there were a bigger rock which made it look like a potato nose and on the head I had stuck an old weed I had found on the ground so it would look like hair. Then Donnie walked behind it and moved it's arms and talked for it to make it look like it was alive.

"Hi my name is Alex, and I love warmth and summer." My brothers and I laughed at the joke, that a snowman liked summer and warmth since snow melted when it was too hot outside. I ran over and hugged the snowman to give him a bit of his warmth. Donnie, Raph and Leo giggled at me, then froze in fear from something they knew but I didn't.

"How long have we been out here?" Raph asked with a teeny tiny hint of fear. Donnie shrugged and looked at Leo, who was tense with fear.

"Long enough to know we're late for training!" Then I realized why they were so scared. If we were late for training, Splinter would kill us! We ran the whole way back to the lair and got there cold, wet and the scarfs had snowflakes all over them.

(End of flashback)

Raph, Mikey and I laughed out loud at the memory and even April smiled and giggled a little. Raph wiped tears of laughter away and tried to catch his breath. Mikey was down on his knees and his arms wrapped tightly around his stomach laughing so hard and I was leaning against the wall of our temporary shelter and had my head leaned against the wall as much as it was possible.

"Haha, man was Splinter angry or was he angry?" Mikey squealed out through his laughter and leaned towards the ground, trying to help his breathing. Raph cackled and took a few deep breaths and calmed down a bit before speaking.

"He must have made us train for like ten hours straight or something!" He said and started to chuckle again. I sighed and tried to stop laughing and just leaned against the wall. But every now and then a little chuckle left my lips.

"Yeah, but Donnie always seemed to love the snow and the coldness never seemed bother him. Even if it is in the middle of the winter winter he could sit in his cold lab without getting bothered and even in the middle of the winter when we where on patrol he didn't seem bothered at all.

"I can't understand why he thinks he's dangerous. He's probably the least dangerous guy I know. He's a pacifist not a monster." April said and looked worried and and thoughtful. Mikey looked like he was about to respond but someone else cut him off.

"Yeah, I bet he's the nicest person ever!" It wasn't anyone of us who said that, but we didn't see who it was who said that. We looked around, trying to find out who said that. But we saw no one.

"Who said that?" Mikey asked and looked around. To the left, to the right, up in the ceiling and down on the floor but saw nothing. No answer was heard. Raph stood up and took out his sai, which was rather difficult since they were inside all of his cloths so it took a while, and stood in a fighting stance and was ready for a fight.

"Who's there? Show yourself!"He yelled out and the rest of us also took out our weapons and took a fighting stance around the fire. First we heard nothing and saw nothing but when April took out her flashlight and tried to find the speaker but it was no good. But then the voice was heard again.

"Oh, what a nice fire you have here. I like the warmth from it." It was heard from behind and we slowly turned around to see... a little talking snowman standing a few feet from the fire and admired it. He saw us and chuckled happily.

"Hehe, am I right?" April let out a scream of fright and kicked him in the head which flew off his body and into Raph's arms, who dropped his weapons in shock. Raph looked at the head in his arms with wide eyes and for a few seconds he did nothing. The head just looked at Raph with a smile and big eyes.

"Hey there!" He said after a few seconds and smiled widely. Raph just stared and then the reaction came.

"You're freaky!" He then threw the head to April, who threw it to Mikey, who threw it to me, and I threw it back to Raph and so we went on for a while and we shouted to each other as we did.

"I don't want it Raph!"

"Don't give it to me!"

"Just take it, it's just a head!"

"Then you take it!"

"No way, you take it!"

"No, you take it!

"Back at you!"

"Ew, ew ew, the body!" At the last part Raph threw the head at the body and it crashed into the wall and then tried to regain it's balance and footing. When he did and put his head back on his body he started to walk towards us again but this time a little more careful.

"Okay, we got off on a bad start. So let's start over. Hi fellas, my name is Alex and I like warmth and summer." Three of four had heard those exact same words years ago, from a child and not from the thing that he was talking for. I repeated the words in my head one more time and then looked at the little snowman. The same body, the same head, the same appearance and the same words Donnie had used on him all those years ago.

"Alex? I mean, the Alex?" Raph and Mikey had also eyed him and was now looking at me, questioning my thoughts. Not that it was a surprise that they did. My brothers always did that.

"You mean the Alex? But it's impossible! He was a dead object!" Raph hissed in my ear and I looked at him and gestured at the snow man.

"Then you explain who this is." I said with a small laugh of disbelief and looked at the snowman. Raph still doubted me but Mikey kneeled down in front of the snowman Alex and looked at him in wonder.

"That's right, I remember! Alex the snowman!" Alex eyed us and while he smiled he looked like he was trying to remember that we had met or something. He gestured with his hands that he wanted us to talk.

"And you are?" Mikey snapped out of his look of wonder and and tried to find words and for once it looked like the cat had got his tongue. But he quickly found it again and started to talk again.

"Oh ,uh, well, I'm Michelangelo but call me Mikey. These are my brothers Leonardo and Raphael, or Raph and Leo for short and that girl over there is our friend April." At each name he said we all made small gestures to show which one of us he meant. Alex nodded and smiled wide and bright.

"Well pleasure to meet you all! You all seem very nice!" I kneeled down beside Mikey and looked at the little snowman and asked him what I had on my mind.

"Hey, Alex? Did Donnie make you?" He nodded eagerly and his weed-hair bounced up and down when he did so.

"Yeah, why?" April bended down and rested her hands on her knees so she was a little closer to his eye level. He then looked at her when she turned to him.

"Do you know where he is? Can you lead us to him?" He nodded again and his weed-hair once again bounced up and down.

"Yeah, why?" He repeated and had the same look on his face as did a few seconds ago when he gave his answer to our other question. This time Raph started talking.

"I'll tell you why. We need Donnie to unfreeze this winter and bring back summer, before he turns into an ice sculptor! And before America turns into a big glacier!" Alex looked at us and then seemed to think over the reasons and then gave his answer.

"Sure, I'll show you the the way to your friend. I have always wanted to see summer anyway, but I don't know why. I've just always wanted to feel actual warmth and see summer." We looked at each other in confusion. I looked down on him and had a raised eyebrow at him.

"Really? Do you, you know, have any experience with heat at all?" He stared at me for two seconds, then shook his head.

"Nope, but how bad can it be? Come on! Let's go and bring back summer!" He yelled and ran towards the opening in the ship. Raph held him back and stopped him from running out into the storm.

"Whoa, whoa! Hold it there tiger! We've been walking for hours, and I don't know about snowmen, but we need to sleep, let's go the first thing in the morning instead." Alex seemed a little disappointed, but shrugged it off and laid down to sleep. Mikey and April took out their sleeping bags and laid down to sleep. I took out mine to and just as I laid down I heard Raph's voice beside me.

"Leo, are you sure about this? Are we really gonna take direction help from a little guy made of snow? He doesn't even know what happens to snow if it gets warm!" I sighed and looked him in the eyes. From the light of the fire I saw the worry, concern and insecurity in his green eyes and I could understand his uncertainty. But right now we had no other choice.

"Right now we don't have a choice Raph. We need to get to Donnie fast and this little guy was made by Donnie, twice. We can only hope he is right about the directions and is not leading us into a trap." Raph sighed in frustration and just rolled over to his other side trying to fall asleep, but then I heard his voice again.

"Oh, by the way. If he turns out to be no good, then I'm going to tell him about the whole 'warm-snow-thingy'" He grinned and then fell asleep. I sighed and shook my head. 'Brothers will be brothers I guess.' I thought before I too fell asleep, but before I did, I thought over what had happened today. 'Good night Donnie. I hope you're safe...' That one thought ran through my head before I fell asleep beside my little brothers and my only human friend.

(Karai's P.O.V)

I watched over the city from my father's throne room and watched the blizzard blow over every building, park and street in New York. Some how I knew the turtles had something to do with this. There was no way it could have just started to snow like crazy in the summer and the Kraang worked for us now so it was the only explanation. I heard the doors open and turned around to see the newly double mutated Bradford enter.

"What do you have to report Bradford? Better be something useful." Bradford kneeled before me and started talking.

"Our troupes spotted one of the turtles alone this evening and followed him, the one known as Donatello released some kind of power on the ocean. He seems to be responsible for this winter, because he spread the ice and snow where he ran, and he ran away on the ocean, turning it into solid ice as well. And a few hours later we saw the other turtles and their human friend going after him. They where heading from the west coast. We awaits your orders Karai." He bowed his head and was quiet. I thought for a few seconds. This situation could actually be useful.

"Bring out about thirty foot bots and prepare them for a walk. We are gonna walk after the turtles and bring this turtle Donatello back to our lair. With him I could bring Splinter out of his hiding and I could finally avenge my mother. Now go!" Bradford bowed and walked out. I turned back to the window and looked over to the ocean.

"Beware, turtle. You are gonna belong to me in only a matter of days, and then you, your master and your brothers will die."

A/N: Wow, this was a long one! I hope you like it and will find it worth to wait for the next chapter. I feel pretty satisfied with Alex the Snow man and the flashback, though I also feel it was a little rushed. But anyway, hope you like, please review, favorite and follow and I'll see you in next chapter! Good night!

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jademorales's avatar
Yes I think you should do the song 'For the first time in forever' reprise I think it will go good to the story!👏👏👏